The Northeast Center is one of 12 Agricultural Safety and Health Centers funded by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) agency that is responsible for developing worker health and safety solutions. These 12 NIOSH centers specifically address occupational health and safety issues in the high-risk agricultural, forestry and fishing (AgFF) industries. Our center addresses the specific occupational health and safety needs of AgFF workers from Maine to West Virginia.
We collaborate with NIOSH AgFF centers on national events and initiatives, such as developing the CDC Guidance for Agriculture Workers and Employers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and creating educational videos for a shared YouTube channel.
Our Center is closely associated with the New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health (NYCAMH) and Bassett Healthcare Network, all based out of Cooperstown, NY. We also frequently partner with other research, educational and occupational health institutions including the following universities: Pennsylvania State, Harvard, Yale, Cornell, George Mason and the University of Delaware, plus Cooperative Extension programs throughout the Northeast.