The stakes
could not be higher.
At the Northeast Center, one of our jobs is to find solutions that support the health of loggers and reduce the rate of injuries in the industry. To do that requires understanding the everyday stories behind the statistics that make logging one of the most dangerous jobs in the country. For this study, we set out to learn specifically about the health and safety concerns of loggers in Maine, a state with more forest cover than any other contiguous U.S. state and with the largest logging workforce in the Northeast. We have collected feedback from hundreds of Maine loggers through a series of questionnaires and in-person health screenings. Guided by an advisory board of industry insiders, including loggers themselves, this project aims to identify a practical path to ensuring logging remains a safe and prosperous career well into the future.
Source: Crandall M, Kihza AR, McCullock K, Bick S, Clark J, Anderson G. Maine’s Logging Economy. Orono, Maine: University of Maine; 2015.
Study Findings
A series of surveys were foundational to understanding Maine loggers’ health and safety. Loggers gave their feedback every season for nearly two years. A wide range of topics were covered including injuries, aches and pains, health insurance, work satisfaction, tick-borne disease, protective equipment and footwear, overall health, to diet and exercise, just to name a few. Participants had the option to answer the surveys by mail, telephone, text message link, or email.

Meet the Study Team
We bring together a variety of public health disciplines to ensure the project’s success by partnering with colleagues and community members across Maine.

Erika Scott, PhD
Principal Investigator

Cristina Hansen Ruiz, PhD
Research Coordinator

Judy Graham, RN
Occupational Health Nurse

Paul Jenkins, PhD

Nicole Krupa, BS
Data Analyst
Logger Health Screenings
A core component of the study was conducting logger health screenings or physical exams. The study team brought the doctor’s office right to the machinery garages of logging companies throughout Maine. Screenings were held during full-day safety training sessions, and loggers participated at their convenience throughout the day. Health screenings were conducted by occupational health specialists and included:
Cardiac risk assessments
Blood pressure, blood sugar & cholesterol tests
Hearing screenings
Lung capacity tests
Carbon monoxide tests
Height, weight and waist-hip ratios
Vision screenings
Physical exam (musculoskeletal & neurological issues)
Every logger received a scorecard of their results. We referred loggers without health insurance to an insurance navigator in their area. We also connected loggers without a primary care doctor or insurance to free and/or sliding-scale clinics in their area if they needed follow-up care. We were able to accomplish this by working collaboratively with local medical professionals and community members.
Our Practitioners
These committed healthcare providers assisted with research data collection at logging companies across Maine.

Raymond Hicks, MD, MPH, MSc

Silwana Sidorczuk, MD

Peggy Akers, NP
Our Advisors
The Advisory Board’s role is to provide boots-on-the-ground guidance for logging-related research at the Northeast Center. Collectively, the board ensures our research is timely and addresses the most pressing needs of the industry. They assess research design, suggest changes or improvements to our plans, and help us network with industry professionals.

Andy Wood, CSHO, GOL
The MEMIC Group
Safety Management Consultant – Forest Products

Anil Raj Kizha, PhD
University of Maine, School of Forest Resources
Assistant Professor of Forest Operations

Dana Doran
Professional Logging Contractors of Maine
Executive Director

Eric Vannah
Eric Vannah Logging

Michael Rowland, MD
Franklin Memorial Hospital, MaineHealth
Medical Director, Occupational Health

Mike St. Peter
Certified Logging Professionals

Patrick Sirois
Maine Forest Products Council
Director of the Maine Sustainable Forestry Initiative

Raymond Hicks, MD, MPH, MSc
Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Steve Bick, PhD
Northeast Forests, LLC
Owner / Founder

Ted Clark, CLCS
Acadia Insurance Company
Loss Control Consultant

Victor Tardiff
Maine Department of Labor

Wendy Farrand
WFarrand Consulting
Project Resources
Cardiovascular Risk Factors Among Maine’s Logging Workforce
Presentation poster by Northeastern Center staff at the 2022 American Public Health Association conference in Boston, MA
Health and safety in the Maine woods: Assemblage and baseline characteristics of a longitudinal cohort of logging workers
Research Article featured on Wiley Online Library
Listen Up: Protecting your Hearing on the Job, The Logger’s Voice
Trade publication article featured on Yumpu.com
Personal Protective Equipment and Safety Training: Getting the Attention It Should? The Logger’s Voice
Trade publication article featured on Yumpu.com
Initial Survey Results from Maine Loggers’ Health and Safety Study
Presentation from American Public Health Association (2019)
Assessing Overall Health and Improving Injury Surveillance of Maine Logging Workers
Presentation from Council of Forest Engineering Conference (2018)
Total Worker Health for Loggers
Video from International Society of Agricultural Safety and Health (2020)