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Industry Overview

The Northeast Center works with fishermen and fishing organizations to develop solutions to keep them safe and well at work. We believe the best solutions come from collaborating with fishermen and their communities. The sustainability of the industry depends on many things, including its workers.

1 in 4 of the commercial fishing jobs in the US are located along the stretch of Atlantic Coast served by Northeast Center.

Source: NOAA Fisheries and Bureau of Labor Statistics

$38.5 B
Annual sales yielded by the commercial fishing industry in the Northeast.

The Catch

What these industry numbers don’t tell are the human stories—the dedication, sacrifice, stress, toll on the body and even loss of life of those who make their living from the sea. From 2000 to 2017, commercial fishermen died on the job at a rate of 114 deaths per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers. That’s 28.5 times higher than the average on-the-job fatality rate for U.S. workers. Fisheries workers also suffer from higher rates of injury, hearing loss and musculoskeletal disorders than those in other industries.

Fishing Forward Podcast

Fishing Forward is a podcast inspired by fishermen, for fishermen, with a focus on health, safety, and staying shipshape in the commercial fishing industry. Fishing Forward is funded by The Northeast Center for Occupational Health and Safety and produced by the team at Coastal Routes Radio at the University of Guelph and Dalhousie University in Canada.

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Featured Fishing Projects
a view of Stonington Harbor

In the Wheelhouse: Empowering Fishermen Through Community Partnerships to Improve Health and Safety

r2p Incubator

choppy water in a new england harbor

Mental Health in Commercial Fishing

Sleep Deprivation at Sea


Lifejackets for Lobstermen

Boat Hacks for Better Backs

“My life is my health. My health is my life.”


News & Media

Staying Afloat

The Northeast Center and Fishing Partnership Support Services (FPSS) have teamed up to expand the Lifejackets for Lobstermen program. This expansion included updating program materials

Northeast Center Fishing Videos

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