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Forestry & Logging

Industry Overview

The Northeast and Appalachian forests provide livelihoods for thousands of logging industry workers. Nearly one in nine U.S. logging jobs is located in our service region producing nearly $13 billion in gross domestic product—from lumber, paper, and cardboard, to pulpwood and biomass for fuel.

1 in 9 of the commercial logging jobs in the US are located in the region served by Northeast Center.
$13 B
Gross domestic product yielded by the logging industry in the Northeast.

The Stakes Couldn’t Be Higher

Before a big haul is trucked out of the woods, a tremendous amount of skill and hard work done by hand and with sophisticated large machinery takes place. Workers often endure extremes—sub-zero cold, long shifts that might start in the middle of the night, far commutes into the depths of remote forest, and potential risk to one’s health and safety. Nationwide, loggers are killed on the job at a rate 28 times that of the average worker, according to the most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Logging workers also suffer from higher rates of injury, hearing loss, musculoskeletal disorders and chronic illness than those in other industries.

Featured Forestry/Logging Projects

IdeasThatWork Incubator

Chainsaw Safety Training



Maine Logger Health & Safety

“They [NEC] took what we [the logging industry] had to say and worked with us…they trust us and we now trust them.”

Dana Doran

Executive Director of the Professional Logging Contractors of Maine

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